Testing Accommodations


Instructions to schedule a midterm, exam, or quiz on TITANablePDF File Opens in new window

Instructions to schedule a Final Exam on TITANablePDF File Opens in new window



Please see more information about our General FAQs, Academic Integrity & Student Conduct,What to Expect when testing with DSS, and our Testing Policies below:


DSS Testing: General Information

Location and Contact

Gordon Hall - Room 101

Email: dsstesting@hebiotechinvitational.com

Summer/Winter Session Proctoring Hours

Monday - Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM

Regular Semester Proctoring Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:00AM-10:00PM

Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM


Finals Week Proctoring Hours

Monday - Thursday 7:00AM-10:00PM

Friday 7:00AM-5:00PM


General FAQs


How many days in advance do I need to book my exams with DSS?

Exams taken with DSS must be scheduled at least 3 business days before the exam. 


What if I miss the deadline to book my exams at least 3 business days before?

DSS may not be able to accommodate you for your exam. You are only ensured your testing accommodations at DSS, so it is very important that you get your exams scheduled with us on time. Any exam accommodation requested less than 3 business days (DSS business days are Monday-Friday) of notification to DSS will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, yet the University may be unable to provide proper exam arrangements.

Your options are:

  1. Send an email to dsstesting@hebiotechinvitational.com. Please include the following info in your email: Your name, your CWID, exam date, course, and why you were unable to book your exam on time
  1. Ask your professor(s) to proctor your exam with your testing accommodations during their office hours or at any other available time, if they are able to.
  2. Ask your professor(s) arrange for department staff or a colleague to proctor your exam for you with your accommodations in the department office or a designated location.
  3. Ask your professor(s) for approval to take your exam with DSS on a different day than when the class is taking the exam. DSS must receive approval from your professor(s) to take the exam(s) on a different day, or we will not schedule you. Your professor must email dsstesting@hebiotechinvitational.com with the approval.


Why does DSS require  at least 3 business days to book exams?

The 3 business days allows DSS time to secure a seat for you, which may require opening an alternate testing room and provide additional staff. This also allows DSS reasonable time for your instructor to be notified and provide the exam to DSS.  

Students that make a request for exam accommodations in less than 3 business days do not provide the University with a timely notice by which to coordinate the service. As a result, any exam accommodation requested less than 3 business days of notification to DSS will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, yet the University may be unable to provide proper exam arrangements.


I have an exam for my class over the weekend on a Saturday OR on a Friday afternoon after the DSS office closes for the day! What do I do to schedule my exams when you are not open to proctor?

Unfortunately, the DSS office does not proctor exams during the weekend on Saturdays/Sundays and closes  promptly at 5:00 pm on Friday afternoons.  For these exams, you will need to work with your instructor for them to provide you with your accommodations in the classroom or with alternate arrangements (i.e. taking it in their office or in a separate classroom). 

In other possible cases, your instructor may authorize for your exams to be taken in our office during the week when we are open for proctoring, typically the prior Friday during the day or on another day in the week.  If so, have them email us at dsstesting@hebiotechinvitational.com with their approval and we will assist with manually scheduling you for these exams onto our schedule.


I have a testing appointment scheduled for an upcoming exam, but my professor decided to push back the day of the exam to give us more time to study. How can I reschedule it?  Do I need to cancel and make a new appointment on TITANable?

No, you DO NOT need to make a brand-new appointment on TITANable. If your professor decides to push back or move forward the exam day for the whole class, please ask your professor to email us at dsstesting@hebiotechinvitational.com   to let us know what the new test day will be, and we will update your appointment with us at DSS.


Do my testing accommodations apply only to tests and final exams? Or do they apply also to quizzes?

Yes, testing accommodations also typically apply to quizzes or brief timed course assessments.   


My in-person course is going to have weekly quizzes or recurring quizzes at every class meeting, do I need to schedule a testing appointment for each one individually?

Yes, if you are anticipating weekly recurring quizzes for your course or a quiz at the start/end of each class session and you would like to be proctored in the DSS office, then you will need to schedule an individual testing appointment for each quiz day that will take place.  Unfortunately, testing appointments cannot be scheduled once through TITANable as recurring appointments.


How do I schedule testing appointments for pop quizzes at the DSS office for my in-person course? I don’t know what days my professor will be giving out the pop quizzes.

For pop quizzes, you DO NOT need to schedule testing appointments through TITANable.  Refer your instructor to contact the DSS Testing Coordinator at dsstesting@hebiotechinvitational.com so arrangements can be made for you to take pop quizzes in the DSS office if you choose to.  In most cases, students receive notice from their instructor to report to the DSS office to take a pop quiz (right before the start of class or towards the end of class). Specific details and logistics may vary individually from student to student or course-to-course.

What to Expect

Scheduling of exams:

Students are responsible for scheduling accommodated testing appointments via TITANable. 

Instructors are not responsible for scheduling appointments on behalf of students, with the exception of pop quizzes. 

Students are expected to schedule and take accommodated exams on the same day and time as the class.  Requests to schedule for an alternate day and/or time at DSS is only authorized if there is a university/course scheduling conflict or due to a disability-related need, upon which documentation from a licensed provider will be required to authorize the request.

DSS advises all students who need to schedule testing appointements to schedule all of them early at the beginning of the semester for all exams/quizzes needing DSS proctoring, including final exams during Final Exams week.  


Proctoring of exams:

The following are proctoring procedures DSS implements to protect the integrity and security of all accommodated exams.

- All accommodated exams in the DSS Testing Center are physically proctored and/or video monitored at all times.

- DSS generally calculates and provides students their extended time accommodation according to the full class period, unless otherwise indicated in writing by the instructor.

- Delays in a student beginning their exam due to DSS operations or late delivery of the exam from the instructor will not reduce the student's allotted time on the exam. The student will be granted their full time. 

- Proctors and staff only read and transcribe testing materials and content. They do not clarify, interpret, or modify exam questions for students.  If a student has a question regarding the exam questions or needs clarification, DSS will make attempts to connect with the instructor or accompany the student to the classroom to ask their questions regarding the exam. 

- Changes or additions to any authorized tools or materials (i.e. calculator, notes, open book, etc.) on an exam will not be made or authorized unless the instructor has notified and authorized it in writing.

- Students who have concerns about the exam copy given to them must notify the DSS proctor immediately to address the concern and contact the instructor in a timely manner.

- Students caught in an act of academic dishonesty or cheating will have their exam and materials confiscated and their instructor will be notified immediately.  The incident will also be referred to the Dean of Students, Student Conduct office.

- All cell phones, smart watches and other unauthorized electronics are strictly prohibited in being accessed in the DSS testing rooms or on a student's person while taking an accommodated exam, unless authorized by the instructor in writing.

- Food and drinks are not allowed in the DSS testing rooms, with the exception of bottled water.

- Aside from the exam, authorized materials, and writing implements, only items approved as an accommodation or items authorized by the instructor in writing are allowed in the testing rooms.

- All testing rooms and areas are equipped with at least one clock for students to independently monitor their testing time.  When possible, DSS proctors or staff may provide 5-15 minute warnings to students.

Academic Integrity and Student Conduct

Due to DSS’s duty to uphold academic integrity during test proctoring, all test-taking activities are monitored at all times.  Testing areas within DSS are equipped with video surveillance cameras and computer monitoring software.  All other testing areas are staffed with at least one proctor monitoring students at all times. 

Refusal to stop and surrender an exam or quiz when informed by a proctor that the allotted time has ended, is considered an act of misconduct and will be reported to the Dean of Students office.

Any incidents of academic dishonesty or student misconduct will be reported in the form of a Student Conduct Referral Report to the Dean of Students office and may result in disciplinary actions or sanctions as described in the Academic Dishonesty Policy (UPS.300.021) & Student Conduct Procedures (Executive Order 1098).

For more on the referral and conduct process, visit the CSUF Dean of Students website: http://unequivalved.hebiotechinvitational.com/deanofstudents/

Testing Policies


Rescheduling Policy

Requests to reschedule a testing appointment with DSS will only be authorized due to:

- a course/university scheduling conflict,

- an unforeseen, disability-related circumstance pertaining to the student’s verified disability on file,

- or a COVID-19-related circumstance impeding the student from taking the exam with DSS on the scheduled date.

Examples of university-related, scheduling conflicts include, but are not limited to: conflicts with other courses/course-related meetings or if the course instructor has rescheduled the exam date for the entire class.  Direct notification from the instructor of the class date change will be required in order to change the scheduled date for a student’s testing appointment at DSS.

For unforeseen, disability-related reasons, students will be required to submit emergency documentation to their DSS specialist explaining their missed testing appointment and the need to reschedule it.  Students must send their emergency documentation to dsspecialists@hebiotechinvitational.com and CC’ dsstesting@hebiotechinvitational.com.  The Disability Management Specialist will review the emergency documentation and will authorize or deny the rescheduling of the testing appointment at the DSS office.  After the reschedule has been approved by the specialist, additional approval from the course instructor will be required per the classroom makeup policy, if applicable, to fulfill the reschedule request.  

For a COVID-19 related circumstance, the student and instructor will need to follow up with DSS to inform when the student is expected to come to DSS to make up the exam, if approved by the faculty.

For all other personal situations and non-disability-related reasons, students are invited to make separate arrangements with the instructor outside of DSS to have the exam/quiz proctored in an alternate location and time.

Late Arrival Policy

If you arrive 1-29 minutes late to an exam with DSS:

The elapsed time will automatically be deducted from your total exam time.

For example, if you arrive 15 min late for your exam, DSS will deduct 15 min from your total exam time. This means that the scheduled end time will remain the same and DSS will not adjust or extend it. You will not get that time back for your exam!


If you arrive more than 30 minutes late to your exam with DSS:

We will require instructor approval for you to begin the exam late.

DSS will only authorize you to start the exam once your instructor has given permission to do so.   This also means that the scheduled end time will remain the same and the DSS will not adjust or extend it.   You will not get that time back for your exam!

If DSS is unable to reach the instructor to confirm your new start time, we will   not   begin the exam and request that you reach out to your instructor for next steps.

Download Extended Time Calculator 

Download this DSS-produced tool to assist with calculating your extended time accommodation based on how long your class receives for an exam.

Download the Extended Time Calculator

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This site is maintained by Disability Support Services.

Last Published 4/20/23

To report problems or comments with this site, please contact dsservices@hebiotechinvitational.com.
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